Versus counseling, the problem is bound to worsen

Versus counseling, the problem is bound to worsen

Sexual Incompatibility – If there was compatibility at the beginning of the relationship, this is a problem that can be worked on with honest communication. However, if there never was a sexual connection, the problem is more difficult to solve, but not impossible if the couple still loves each other.

Zero Prominent Passions – There is nothing wrong with having different interests and hobbies. If you and your partner are total opposites and have nothing at all in common, over time, the partners will eventually live separate lives and communicate less as time goes on. A problem only exists if one of the partners becomes frustrated and does not want to live that way. A counselor can help that partner come to grips with the situation, be motivated to change the living arrangements or counsel both parties to find a solution.

You to Partner was Handling – After a year of living together, it may become evident that one of the partners is increasingly more controlling. Even at the courting stage and certainly, during the first year of living together, there are signs to look for that indicate your partner is controlling, such as, wanting to know where you are and who you are with at all times. He might also be giving instructions on how to look, how to behave, what to wear, who you can talk to, who your friends are, what you can spend, who can visit your home and who is not welcome. These behaviors will only get worse over time. A counselor can advise both partners, but both partners have to be willing to admit to the behaviors and be willing to change to save the relationship.

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