The Epiphany That Made Me Stop Dating Unavailable Men

In his mind, your desire for closeness and intimacy reflects a weakness on your part, not a deficiency on his. Anger is a socially acceptable emotion for men, and often it is the go-to reaction when things get too “touchy feely” or intimate with your guy. The fear of vulnerability is the fear of showing your true self.

If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Relationship advice for women that is researched-backed and data driven and actually works. So, this is all she has been exposed to and ever known. It would, therefore, be an undeniable fact that most of the men she is bound to date will likely be damaged.

Basically, they want the sex without the other things that come with it like intimacy, sharing feelings, and relationship responsibilities. You feel ambivalent about being in a serious relationship, so you are attracted to the emotionally unavailable. Sometimes, we chase after things that we want, but this isn’t the way to go with one of these guys. Instead of bringing him closer, you will push him further away.


I have some advice about how to deal with having an emotionally unavailable man in your life, based on my experience. The common pattern amongst people who chase emotionally unavailable men appears to be the pursuit of self-worth. Before sharing this pattern, let’s first explore what it’s like to be chasing an emotionally unavailable man. Now, I can understand that being emotionally unavailable already causes immense suffering. It’s not an easy confession to make, but I want to share what I’ve learned about myself as an apology to the women I’ve hurt by being emotionally unavailable.

Emotionally unavailable men: My epic apology to women

Some of these guys don’t want something long-term. They maintain their emotionally unavailable status because they’re using you. Other men might have a genuine fear of commitment. If you can’t talk about your relationship openly, you’re dating the wrong guy.

Why You Might Attract Unavailable Partners

I know how you feel I’m living the same shit sandwich. If you think it might be possible because your intuition is screaming then it’s probably happening. If so, and you’re too invested to just leave, say nothing but go start and have your own affairs. It amounts to finding someone who can be what and give you what you need.

I swear to god, if I got all the time back I spent dating emotionally unavailable people, I could live a second lifetime. There are a few reasons someone might be emotionally unavailable, some of which are bigger red flags than others. Maybe they’re just not that into you, says Feuerman. Or they’re going through a dramatic life transition (recent breakup, career change, etc.) and their emotions are hard to pin down. Regardless of the reason why you might be closed off, just know that emotional unavailability doesn’t have to last forever.

In my free time, I enjoy writing poetry, composing songs, gardening, bullet journaling, and painting. So if you’re ready to take that plunge and reach new heights in your relationship, make sure to check out relationship expert James Bauer’s invaluable advice. And in return, he’ll be compelled to commit to you and love you like he’s never loved another woman. You are free to decide whether to pursue a relationship with an emotionally unavailable man or to find someone who can better communicate emotionally and spiritually. If not, then you have to knock some sense into your stubborn head.

Maybe they keep that hard-to-find coffee creamer you love stocked in their refrigerator, ready for the mornings after you stay over. As you explore factors contributing to emotional unavailability and work on becoming more available, communicate with your partner about what you learn. It’s often helpful to get more comfortable expressing emotions on your own before trying to share them with a romantic partner. If you’ve gone through a nasty breakup, for example, you may just need some more time before trying to get close to someone again. Exploring the root issues can give you insight on how to deal with emotional unavailability. A number of factors can contribute to emotional unavailability.

Not just to forge better relationships with men, but as a way to make your guy feel better about himself. Guys who are emotionally unavailable tend to not be able to take responsibility for their actions. They’ll be the first to blame their upbringing, their experiences, their bosses, their mothers, their neighbors. If a guy is nice to you but not nice to anyone else, it will only be a matter of time before he is not nice to you. If he is mean or rude to people of service, like waiters or cleaners, he’s not a nice person.

An emotionally unavailable man is typically someone who is unable or unwilling to emotionally commit to an intimate relationship with you. This type of man will often want to keep things casual and undefined in order to avoid dealing with the emotional commitments that characterize a typical long-term relationship. If you do not want to attract a toxic guy, know what you want in a man.

If it wasn’t already there, they wouldn’t be able to call it out of us, whether it is intentional or not. These triggers are our buttons and our relationships mirror back these triggers to us. You might justify that he’s emotionally unavailable because he isn’t over his ex-girlfriend yet or he had a traumatic experience in his past relationship.

Realizing what your emotional unavailability is doing to others can help you correct your behavior. Acknowledging that your behavior has hurt others, and could have potentially made them emotionally unavailable, can help you to process why you’ve been fighting deeper connections. When you close yourself off from other people, you also, in a way, close yourself off to yourself. That means if you’re emotionally unavailable, you might not have a good understanding of your own emotions. In fact, falling in love is a wonderful human experience. However, an emotionally unavailable person might not know when they’ve fallen in love.

It could save so many people from the heartache I had experienced, along with the pain I’d caused to the women who had pursued an emotionally unavailable man. If falling in love feels scary or threatening, it’s only natural that they might want to try and avoid it entirely. When it seems like you’re getting closer, they may pull back to protect themselves.