Yesterday, the 15th of October, was His Majesty’s birthday. I had determined on this day for our first visit to the great pyramid. There we would hold a festival in remembrance of our king and country with a few friends. We invited the Austrian Consul Champion, the Prussian Consul Bokty, our learned countryman Dr. Pruner, and MM. Lieder, Isenberg, Mühleisen, and Krapf to this party, at which, however, it is to be regretted that some were not able to assist. From Malta we were accompanied by the missionary Isenberg, who resided for a long time with Gobat in Abyssinia, and who is favourably known to philologists by his grammar of the Amharic language.
When you heard the boys talk again, you turned around to yell at them. You, however, did not hear your usual voice but a bark. You suddenly had paws instead of arms, which meant you transformed into your Animagus successfully. ” James yelled in excitement and walked to the spot, where you stood once. “I wanna try too.” While James tried to transform, you sat down between Sirius and Remus.
On the 24th of February we came to a second tributary of the Nile, the Dender, which is larger than the Rahad. The deposited black earth has ceased; the steep high shores are composed of original earth and calcareous conglomerate, which, according to Bauer, is well capable of being burnt to lime. We rode back to the pyramids the next morning with the sunrise, and found fifteen various royal names, but some in a very bad condition.
The means were unfortunately wanting at present for the transportation of the best of these altars, which weighed at least fifty hundred weight; I was, therefore, obliged to leave it for a particular expedition from Meroë. I came on my way, first to a colony, by Kumr betá Dáhela, where the inhabitants of that village hold their villeggiatura; for they stay here during the dry months, and return to their village on the river bank, at the beginning of the rainy season. The last village whither I came is called Româli, a little above that given in the map as Sero, which lies under the 13° N. Silently and solemnly, without sound or sob, two corpses, wrapt in white cloths, were borne along on anqarêbs by several men, and laid in a grave of some feet deep in the forest near the road. Perhaps they had perished of the cholera-like complaint, which has now broken out with great violence in the southern regions. Sions, and then went our way to the third group of monuments, named Mesaurât, by Cailliaud.
Then we entered the district of Kû’eh, followed by the long tract of Hamdab, to which belongs the island of Mérui or Méroe, more than a quarter of an hour in length. It is very high, sometimes forty feet above the water-level; the one now among the larger islands is wholly barren and uninhabited, and excepting the black crags periodically washed by the waters, it is completely white. The name of the village of Méraui, near Barkal, has, perhaps, the same origin; here the white precipices, running from Méraui to the river, and which attracted my attention on our departure, have suggested the name by their colour. With the black volcanic masses of rock, piled wildly one upon another, and between which the golden-hued sand pours into the valley like fire-floods.
Coincidence or Faith – Sirius Black | Harry Potter
All his songs were composed by himself, sometimes improvised, and whoever offended himself or his patron became the target of a pasquinading song. He wears his hair in innumerable little plaits, which must be redone and anointed at least once a month, by a woman understanding it; his body, too, is rubbed with fat from time to time. His whole clothing consists of a great white cloth that he fastens round the hips, and throws over his shoulders. I now call him by his Christian name, and shall bring him to Europe with me. Descendants of the Meroetic Ethiopians, and for the ancestors of the Bishari of the present day, were not counted by the males, but by the females, and the inheritance did not devolve upon the son of the deceased, but upon the sister or the daughter. In the same way, according to Abu Selah, the sister’s son took precedence of the son among the Nubians, and Ibn Batuta reports the same custom to be existing among the Messofites, a western negro race.
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And now there was nothing more to be provided, nothing to be hurried; our long row of packages, more than thirty in number, had vanished, box by box, into the murky hold; our sleeping-places required no preparation, as they would scarcely hold more than our persons. The want of anxiety caused for some time a milftastic new and indefinite uneasiness, a solicitude without any object of solicitude. It seems that this convent has not been visited by any recent traveller. Burckhardt, who calls it Siggillye, did not descend, but heard that it was well-built and spacious, and provided with a good well, (Trav. in Syria, p. 610).
They usually lie in the sun, close to the edge of the water, opening their mouths and appearing to sleep, but they will not allow any one to approach them, but dive under the surface immediately, even if hit by the ball. Our khawass, however, struck a young one, only three feet in length, so well that it could not reach the waters. It was brought on board, where, to the horror of our Nesnas monkey, Bachit, it lived several days.
On the road we met with a party of soldiers, who were escorting several thousand muskets upon donkeys, which they had the day before taken from the inhabitants of Zachleh. The disarming of the whole of Libanon by Sheikh Effendi had commenced from the south with great partiality, as is well known, against the unhappy Christians, who were shamefully sacrificed by a merciless policy. We inquired, in the still agitated city, after the Bishop Theophilus, who was described to us as having been a heroic and powerful champion in the battle; unfortunately he was gone to Berut. Most astonishing even to one prepared for the sight of them.
It was already late at night after you were leaving Honeydukes when you saw a big, black and kind of familiar dog standing a few meters away from where you were. You decided to ignore it and just go back home, but the dog kept staring intently at you. Your world fell apart, your best friends and their baby were dead, and your other best friend was the one who helped to kill them. It was like you were living a nightmare, a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from.
” your voice was so low it could easily go unnoticed if you weren’t so close to him. The dinner was long forgotten by you two, and you were glad Sirius had cast a spell so it could be made with magic. You two spent the rest of the night curled together, talking about your future and all the things you would do when his innocence will be finally proven. To keep him company and to make up for the last years you weren’t together like you should, you moved in with him. It was a bit weird at first because of the house elves’ heads on the wall and all of that, but it was more than fantastic when you have your husband with you.